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Union City Station District Specific Plan and EIR

The Union City Station District Specific Plan (SDSP) is intended to guide future development of an approximately 470-acre Planning Area around the Union City BART Station, significant portions of which are vacant or occupied by outdated industrial uses. A Preferred Plan has been endorsed by the City Council, and preparation of detail Specific Plan and EIR, both led by Dyett & Bhatia, is underway.

The Preferred Plan envisions transformation of the area into a vibrant mixed-use district, with several unique sub-districts, complemented by engaging and attractive public space. Multiple new streets and pedestrian/biking connection are outlined to enhance connectivity and access. The plan envisions 5,600 homes (4,000 of which would be new) and 18,200 jobs upon implementation. Two existing large commercial centers are envisioned to be transformed into what may ultimately constitute a new downtown for the city.

In a separate but related project, Dyett & Bhatia worked successfully on behalf of the City with architects and owners of an approximately 1,000 housing unit proposal in the station area, and helped re-imagine it to enhance walkability, orchestrate densities to capitalize on BART access, and foster enhanced public realm and integration with the broader Station District. That project is slated to be approved shortly.



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