Our Team
Dyett & Bhatia has a highly-trained staff of approximately 25, with academic backgrounds and professional experience in urban and regional planning; urban design; zoning; urban environmental planning; urban economics, public health; architecture; graphic design; and public meeting facilitation. Dyett & Bhatia’s technical staff specializes in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), cartography, three-dimensional computer modeling, and computer-aided visualization.
Each Dyett & Bhatia Partner is an experienced practice leader and firm owner, with full decision-making authority, committed to excellence and nurturing enduring relationships.

Rajeev Bhatia, AICP
Partner and President
Rajeev Bhatia is a planner and urban designer, and has led over 70 major general plans, specific plans, and downtown, corridor, and station area plans for cities throughout the western United States. He has led 35 general plans and participated in 20 others, as well as prepared EIRs on most of these. Urban design projects he has led have shaped some of California's most vital and transformed districts, such as the 1,500-acre Downtown San Diego, guiding its evolution into California's most populous and integrated live/work downtown; Capitol Area Plan in Sacramento for the State of California that has shaped the largest State office development in California's history and opened a new eastern vista to the State Capitol Building; new communities around transit stations (10 station area specific plans in the Bay Area, transit-oriented planning for new Honolulu rail system, Seattle's new light rail); and campus plans (such as for Genentech - one of the largest in the Bay Area). He has led several community plans for San Diego, including recently the transformative plan for Mission Valley that will add 50,000 new residents and re-shape a 1960s style car-oriented commercial community into walkable, transit-connected, river-oriented neighborhoods. 
He holds a Master of City Planning and Master of Landscape Architecture, both from U.C. Berkeley, where he was a Regents Fellow. Projects directly led by Mr. Bhatia have won 30+ awards from the American Planning Association, as well as additional ones from organizations such as Congress for New Urbanism and Urban Land Institute.
Email Rajeev

Andrew Hill
Andrew is an award-winning urban planner with expertise in land use planning, transit-oriented development, community engagement, and environmental review. Innovative and collaborative, his work is rooted in a strong commitment to sustainable placemaking and meaningful stakeholder involvement. He has led multi-disciplinary teams in preparing long range plans for communities throughout California, and he possesses over 15 years of project management and leadership experience in the fields of planning, construction management, and engineering. A particular focus of Andrew’s recent work has been on strategies for facilitating infill housing development, including policies and standards to incentivize high density housing along transit corridors.
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Michael Dyett, FAICP
Consulting Principal
Michael V. Dyett, FAICP specializes in general plans, transit-oriented land use planning, zoning and transportation policy research. His international planning work includes an Archaeological and Cultural Resources Management Plan for El Mirador in Guatemala, the Abu Dhabi Development Code, Kuwait National Greenery Plan and the Tainan Strategic Plan for the Republic of China.
Mr. Dyett holds a Master of Regional Planning from Harvard University, and an A.B. from Harvard College. He is a member of the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners. He was a Trustee for the Headlands Center for the Arts (1999-2002) and served on the Advisory Council for the San Francisco Bay Area Air Quality Management District. He also was Vice Chair of Mill Valley’s Miller Avenue Design Advisory Committee and is on the Boards of Directors of the California Film Institute, which runs the Mill Valley Film Festival, the Mill Valley Library Foundation and the Marin Theater Company
Email Michael

Alison Moore
Associate Principal
Alison specializes in healthy communities planning, focusing on land use, environmental justice,
and community outreach. With expertise in general plan and specific plan development, she
prioritizes the relationship between place and health, and is committed to promoting equity
through collaborative planning processes. Her recent experience includes general plans,
including several with environmental justice and housing elements, for Oakland, Sacramento,
Fairfield, and Pacifica, as well as specific plans for Santa Rosa and Pacifica downtowns. She
holds a Master of City Planning and a Master of Public Health, both from UC Berkeley, and a
BA in Community Health and Sociology from Tufts University.
Email Alison
We are connected by a shared passion for planning and places, and a fundamental desire to enhance the quality of life of the communities we serve. Our work methods are rooted in collaboration and inquisitiveness, and our work culture is engaging and inclusive.