Southeastern San Diego and Encanto Neighborhoods Community Plan
Southeastern San Diego is one of the city’s oldest neighborhoods, with a culturally rich patchwork of homes, small businesses, and industrial uses. Encanto Neighborhoods to the east were mostly developed in the last 50 years, with subdivisions interspersed with rugged preserved open spaces.
The community plans provide specific land use designations and policies supporting the broad citywide vision in the San Diego General Plan. A comprehensive public outreach program engaged both English and Spanish-speaking community members, and included surveys, workshops, and pop-up outreach, that won a National Award from the American Planning Association for Public Outreach. The plans synthesize four recent corridor master plans and ongoing transportation planning work, and address the need for more open space, jobs and commercial services, and a multi-modal transportation network. Both community plans were evaluated under a single program EIR, and were endorsed by community planning groups and adopted by the City Council in November 2015.
Adopted 2015
APA National Planning Achievement Award For Public Outreach (2015)
APA San Diego Section, Award For Comprehensive Planning (2016)