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Santa Cruz Corridor Planning and Zoning Code Update

Dyett & Bhatia is leading Corridor Planning and Zoning Code Update to implement the City’s General Plan 2030 vision of more intensive “infill development” and higher-density housing along transit corridors while retaining the City’s small-town character and unique neighborhoods.

The ultimate objective for this project is to produce innovative and integrated corridor planning and a Zoning Code Update that will serve as an effective tool to achieve the vision for the City’s primary mixed-use corridors expressed in the General Plan. The 2030 General Plan identified these corridors (Soquel, Water, Ocean, Mission) as “change areas”; opportunities to accommodate increased density and intensity, supported by infrastructure and “sustainable” transportation investments. Providing detail on how this is to be done is the heart of this assignment. Many constraints that accompany infill—older neighborhoods that need to be protected, aging infrastructure, and historic street and lot patterns, and limited public right of way—are present in these corridors and will present complex challenges.

Adopted 2014

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