San Joaquin County Development Title Update and General Plan Revisions
Dyett & Bhatia is updating the County’s development regulations, including zoning and subdivision controls and other regulations related to infrastructure standards and financing, agricultural preserves, historic preservation, flood hazards, parking, signs, and wireless communications, to be consistent with the 2035 General Plan. D&B also is preparing amendments to the Zoning M so it is consistent with the General Plan, along with some concurrent General Plan amendments for consistency with the updated Development Title. The project objectives are to streamline the permitting process translate the 2035 General Plan into specific regulations for land uses and development standards within the unincorporated areas of the County. The Dyett & Bhatia staff that worked on this project include: Michael Dyett, FAICP, Project Manager and Code Drafter; Mark Chambers, Code graphics and Zoning Map amendments, Isha Bhattarri: GIS analysis; and Helen Pierson, research and analysis.