Plan Princeton
San Mateo County has hired Dyett & Bhatia to prepare an update of the General Plan, Zoning Regulations, and Local Coastal Program for the unincorporated community of Princeton-by-the-Sea. Princeton is home to one of the few working waterfronts remaining on California’s central coast that support fishing, boating, and marine-related enterprise, and has as an abundance of natural and cultural resources that make it a destination for coastal recreation.
The planning process, known as Plan Princeton, is taking place over several phases. The research and initial community outreach and collaboration phase was recently completed, and included workshops and an area-wide mail-in survey. Future phases will include development of policy alternatives; and drafting of land use policies and ordinances to enhance community character and identity, support the working waterfront, provide benefits and amenities for residents, enhance coastal access, and protect coastal resources.
Adopted 2016