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Palmdale Transit Oriented Development Overlay Zone Project and EIR

These projects aim to support Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in Palmdale to take advantage of significant transportation facility investment in the City. The Palmdale TOD Overlay project focuses alleviating regulatory constraints to TOD around the Palmdale Transportation Center and updating the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Palmdale Transit Village Specific Plan (PTVSP). The PTVSP, adopted in 2007, was an important step in encouraging investment and development in the vicinity of the Palmdale Transportation Center. However, since the adoption of the PTVSP, the California High Speed Rail alignment, XpressWest High Speed Rail, High Desert Corridor and Palmdale Regional Airport have all been the subject of new plans or investments. Today, there is a great opportunity to extend the TOD beyond the boundaries originally established in the PTVSP. The Palmdale TOD Overlay Zone project will take advantage of transportation improvements to create a sense of place and a new district to live, work and play in Palmdale.

The Avenue Q Feasibility study will determine the feasibility of developing the Avenue Q Corridor as a TOD, mixed use development corridor and serving as an extension of the vital new neighborhood envisioned around the Palmdale Transportation Center.

Adopted 2007

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