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Honolulu Station Area Planning

Dyett & Bhatia is leading two neighborhood station area plans encompassing six station areas of Honolulu’s new urban rail system—at $7 billion the largest urban rail system currently under construction in the western U.S. Dyett & Bhatia is leading all aspects of the assignment, including all planning, urban design, and community outreach, supported by a team of local subconsultants. The two plans are:

Downtown Neighborhood TOD Plan. The Downtown Neighborhood TOD Plan encompasses three stations—Downtown, which serves the financial district, with the highest intensities in Honolulu; Chinatown, which is on the National Register of Historic Places; and Iwilei which the Draft Neighborhood TOD Plan envisions as a new high-rise mixed-use district, resulting from transforming older industrial and commercial uses. Promoting walkability, enhancing transit access, and developing a new waterfront promenade are additional features of the Draft Plan.

Kalihi Neighborhood TOD Plan. The three Kalihi stations are adjacent to downtown, and represent very different opportunities. The Draft Plan proposes to transform the Kapalama station area from big-box stores and industrial uses to a walkable high-rise district. Selective reuse opportunities are identified for the Kalihi and Middle Street station areas and the Kapalama canal is envisioned as an active waterfront spine that connects the mountains to the waterfront.
Community engagement has included numerous workshops, as well as a multi-lingual mail-in survey that elicited a response rate of more than 25% (with completed responses running into thousands). Public review draft plans for each neighborhood have been released.

Download Plan Summary (PDF): Downtown | Kalihi

Adopted 2016



APA Hawaii Chapter Honor Award for Urban Design (2016)

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