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Belmont General Plan and EIR

Dyett & Bhatia prepared an update of the Belmont General Plan, a Specific Plan for the Belmont Village Priority Development Area (PDA), a combined program EIR on the two documents, as well as Zoning Code amendments to implement the General Plan and the Specific Plan.

The General Plan focuses on land use and mobility improvements, and infill possibilities. Belmont Village, located in the heart of the city at the intersection of Ralston Avenue and El Camino Real, represents Belmont’s primary opportunity for revitalization and creation of a true town center. Addressing urban design, streetscape improvements, and multimodal access and connectivity to the Caltrain station and nearby businesses and neighborhoods are the primary objectives of the Specific Plan. The Specific Plan includes a comprehensive implementation program, new development standards and design guidelines, and an infrastructure financing strategy.

Adopted 2017



APA Northern California Chapter Award of Excellence, Comprehensive Planning, Small Jurisdiction (2018)

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