Bay Area Regional Sustainable Communities Strategy (“Plan Bay Area”) EIR
Plan Bay Area was the region’s first integrated long-range land use and transportation plan. The Plan has since been updated as Plan Bay Area 2040 and Plan Bay Area 2050. The first Plan Bay Area (adopted in 2013) called for focused housing and job growth around high-quality transit corridors, particularly within areas identified by local jurisdictions as Priority Development Areas (PDAs). This land use strategy was intended to enhance mobility and economic growth by linking housing/jobs with transit, offering a more efficient land use pattern around transit and a greater return on existing and planned transit investments. The Plan specified the strategies and investments to maintain, manage, and improve the region’s transportation network – which includes bicycle and pedestrian facilities, local streets and roads, public transit systems, and highways. It proposed a set of transportation projects and programs that will be implemented with reasonably anticipated revenue available for the planning period.
Dyett & Bhatia led technical work for the Draft and Final EIR on the Plan. As a programmatic document, the EIR presents a region-wide assessment of the potential impacts of the proposed Plan. Topics addressed include transportation, land use, air quality, energy, greenhouse gas emissions, sea level rise, noise, biological resources, water resources, geology, public utilities and services, visual resources, and hazards. Alternatives and cumulative impacts were also assessed.
Dyett & Bhatia also prepared EIRs on Regional Transportation Plan EIRs for the Bay Area, in 2001, 2004, and 2009.